Support Find Your David 2025
In August 2022 our life was turned upside down when our handsome, silly, and sweet son David was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Duchenne is a rare genetic mutation that impacts approximately one in 3,500 boys. While this is an extremely devastating diagnosis, we remain optimistic about the future of those living with DMD.
While we are only a short time into our journey, we have already learned quite a bit about this debilitating disease. Sadly, Duchenne not only causes physical and emotional damage, but it can also be financially burdensome to many families.
We believe that every child, regardless of financial status, disability or personal situation deserves to live their lives without struggle. Additionally, it’s equally as important that every parent can witness this for themselves. This has become incredibly important to us since David’s diagnosis, as we have been navigating our new “norm”. Many families living with Duchenne will not have that opportunity this year, as they are dealing with the financial hardships of medical bills, prescription drug costs, equipment, adaptations of their homes, travel costs to meet with physicians, participate in clinical trials and many other issues that come with this disease. Our goal is to continue to assist families impacted by DMD this holiday season.
During our last three holiday campaigns (and to date), Find Your David has raised nearly $300,000. Over the past three holiday seasons we were able to provide nearly 280 gift cards, help make someone’s home handicap accessible, assist two families with travel costs as part of clinical trial participation, support JB’s Keys to DMD and their Bruins and Adaptive ski programs, send some newly diagnosed families to the annual Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) conference and also funded a $30,000 grant towards cardiac research in Duchenne. This would not have been possible without the help of our friends, family and complete strangers who saw us on the news!
We hope to continue to provide the above while also adding a new initiative that we are currently working on.
As we have been meeting more and more families impacted by DMD, one area that has become a focus of interest is the transition for many young men into the workforce. Through medical and technological enhancements, more and more young men living with DMD are now enrolling in college, seeking full-time employment opportunities and launching their own businesses. This is amazing, and gives us tremendous hope, but also creates many new questions and uncertainties. Therefore, we are working towards launching a program that will help these young men and their families navigate this exciting, but nerve-wracking time.
Your donations will go towards funding the following initiatives:
Financial assistance for families living with Duchenne to purchase holiday gifts.
Allow families impacted by DMD to attend a Bruins game in ADA accessible seats
A weekend stay for families living with Duchenne at Loon Mountain, including two days of adaptive skiing and lift tickets for family members
Fundraising towards launching a program to help those living with DMD transition into the workplace and/or engage in entrepreneurial endeavors.
We ask for your continued support as we work to bring hope and relief to families impacted by Duchenne this holiday season.
Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

If you are able, a donation of any size will make a real difference.
Your donations will go towards funding the following initiatives:
Financial assistance for families living with Duchenne to purchase gifts.
Allow families with DMD to attend a Bruins game in ADA accessible seats
A weekend stay for families living with Duchenne at Loon Mountain, including two days of adaptive skiing and lift tickets for family members
Fundraising towards cardiac research in DMD

“Sometimes God will put a Goliath in your life, for you to find the David in you.”
With love and hope,
- The Barrick Family
For more information about DMD, click here.